AIPO Analog Series AP-Mini Dry Cabinet (20L)

Bought this unit from ShaShinki last week at RM250. I've keep all my photography's gears inside it ... of cause afraid of FUNGUS !!. I find that its enough to fit with 2 camera's bodies + 5 lenses or more .. so no problem to store my current gears + my wish gear in future.

Dry Cabinet is a cabinet that is used to keep material dry

Analog cabinet setting guide:
1- set the dial at center. let the cabinet to stable for one day.
2- obtain the reading from the meter.
3- if reading is lower than ur desire range - reduce the power of the dry module ( turn the dial abit only).
4- if reading is higher than ur desire range - increase the power of the dry module ( turn the dial abit only).
5- repeat the process 1-4 until u happy the humidity level.

Note : need to be patient!! accuracy >+- 5 %
Note : pls note is normal the reading may drop futher after few days.
Advice : As the reading around 40 - 50% consider ok already

Analog cabinet user
< 30% not ok
30 - 40 % - ok
35 - 45 % - ok
40 - 50 % - ok
45 - 55 % - ok
> 55% not ok